Cosplaying and married duo, MJ and Ryan, talk about the joys and struggles of building, buying, and wearing cosplays. The ups and downs of cons, and what the experience is like from those that build but aren't professional. Alongside their cast of cosplay friends and guest features they do their best to make everyone’s con experience a little better with each episode. Tune in biweekly to hear all the wild tales, struggle builds, barely met deadlines, and of course stress when con-crunching.

MJ is one half of Cosplay Con Crunch, they have been sewing for renn fares and personal costumes since they were 9. As finances became more stable and found a solid group of friends, and a partner who is willing to put up with the stress of a good crunch, MJ now attends at least five cons a year. With a wide range of interests such as anime, comics, and other fiction, their cosplays become more and more intricate each year.
While he has enjoyed animation most his life, Ryan has only started cosplaying recently. His goal is to use his engineering background to bring oftentimes fantastical props to life through careful planning and a lot of luck as each con creeps closer. Alongside MJ he hopes to make conventions more accessible to those with equally high cosplay ambitions through this podcast.